Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

39 results
  • Ce que l’on voit en s’arrêtant
    Ce que l’on voit en s’arrêtant

    HAEMIN / 혜민 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    La quatrième de couverture Voici une histoire peu banale. Aux États-Unis, un moine coréen, bouddhiste, diplômé des plus grandes universités américaines ouvre un jour un compte Twitter et engage un dialogue avec ses correspondants. Bientôt, ce compte affichera les noms de plus de 850 000 correspondants, des followers. Au fil des tweets, un ouvrage va prendre forme. Vous le tenez entre vos mains. En Corée, il a été vendu à plus de 2,5 millions d’exemplaires et réimprimé 750 fois. Enfermés dans notre quotidien, nous oublions de profiter de l’instant présent et des moments simples de la vie : être en famille, rencontrer ses amis, se promener, lire… Véritable compagnon de chaque jour, ce petit livre nous enseigne comment trouver la sérénité, être à l’écoute de soi-même et des autres. Avec des conseils faciles à appliquer, son auteur, le moine Haemin, fait entrer un peu de sagesse bouddhiste dans le tumulte du 21e siècle. Un message clair et limpide qui s’adresse à ceux qui ne veulent pas sacrifier leur bonheur et leur bien-être à un monde qui va toujours plus vite. Un recueil dédié à tous ceux qui veulent prendre leur temps.   Source:  

  • The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down
    The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down
    English(English) E-Book Available

    HAEMIN / 혜민 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER, WITH OVER THREE MILLION COPIES SOLD AROUND THE WORLD 'Is it the world that's busy, or my mind?' The world moves fast, but that doesn't mean we have to. In this timely guide to mindfulness, Haemin Sunim, a Buddhist monk born in Korea and educated in the United States, offers advice on everything from handling setbacks to dealing with rest and relationships, in a beautiful book combining his teachings with calming full-colour illustrations.   source:

  • The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down
    The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    HAEMIN / 혜민 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    “Is it the world that’s busy, or is it my mind?” The world moves fast, but that doesn’t mean we have to. In this bestselling mindfulness guide—it has sold more than three million copies in Korea, where it was a #1 bestseller for forty-one weeks and received multiple Best Book of the Year awards, and it's being published in more than 25 countries—Haemin Sunim (which means “spontaneous wisdom”), a renowned Buddhist meditation teacher born in Korea and educated in the United States, illuminates a path to inner peace and balance amid the overwhelming demands of everyday life.   source:  

  • Bước Chậm Lại Giữa Thế Gian Vội Vã
    Bước Chậm Lại Giữa Thế Gian Vội Vã
    Vietnamese(Tiếng Việt) Available

    HAEMIN / 혜민 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    Chen vai thích cánh để có một chỗ bám trên xe buýt giờ đi làm, nhích từng xentimét bánh xe trên đường lúc tan sở, quay cuồng với thi cử và tiến độ công việc, lu bù vướng mắc trong những mối quan hệ cả thân lẫn sơ… bạn có luôn cảm thấy thế gian xung quanh mình đang xoay chuyển quá vội vàng?   Nếu có, hãy tạm dừng một bước   Để tự hỏi, là do thế gian này vội vàng hay do chính tâm trí bạn đang quá bận rộn? Để cầm cuốn sách nhỏ dung dị mà lắng đọng này lên, chậm rãi lật giở từng trang, thong thả khám phá những điều mà chỉ khi bước chậm lại mới có thể thấu rõ: về các mối quan hệ, về chính bản thân mình, về những trăn trở trước cuộc đời và nhân thế, về bao điều lý trí rất hiểu nhưng trái tim chưa cách nào nghe theo…   Ra mắt lần đầu năm 2012, Bước chậm lại giữa thế gian vội vã của Đại đức Hae Min đã liên tục đứng đầu danh sách best-seller của nhiều trang sách trực tuyến uy tín của Hàn Quốc, trở thành cuốn sách chữa lành cho hàng triệu người trẻ luôn tất bật với nhịp sống hiện đại hối hả.   source:

  • Die schönen Dinge siehst du nur, wenn du langsam gehst
    Die schönen Dinge siehst du nur, wenn du langsam gehst
    German(Deutsch) Available

    HAEMIN / 혜민 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    Haemin Sunims Buch ist ein Geschenk an die Menschheit. Schlicht und mit ungeahnter Tiefe zeigt der buddhistische Mönch, wie man dauerhaftes Glück findet in einer Welt, die sich immer rascher verändert. Ob in der Liebe, im Beruf, in unseren Sehnsüchten oder unseren Enttäuschungen - es gibt stets den richtigen Moment, um Pause zu machen, zu staunen, zu vergeben, zu lachen, zu weinen, mitzufühlen und Frieden zu finden. Wie man Achtsamkeit Stunde für Stunde lebt, zeigt Haemin Sunim in ebenso poetischer wie humorvoller Weise. Wunderschön und stimmungsvoll illustriert - ein Buch, das man niemals mehr aus der Hand legen möchte.   Source:

  • Love for Imperfect Things
    Love for Imperfect Things
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    HAEMIN / 혜민 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    Susan Cain, New York Times bestselling author of Quiet: "The world could surely use a little more love, a little more compassion, and a little more wisdom. In Love for Imperfect Things, Haemin Sunim shows us how to cultivate all three, and to find beauty in the most imperfect of things--including your very own self." A #1 internationally bestselling book of spiritual wisdom about learning to love ourselves, with all our imperfections, by the Buddhist author of The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down Hearing the words "be good to yourself first, then to others" was like being struck by lightning. Many of us respond to the pressures of life by turning inward and ignoring problems, sometimes resulting in anxiety or depression. Others react by working harder at the office, at school, or at home, hoping that this will make ourselves and the people we love happier. But what if being yourself is enough? Just as we are advised on airplanes to take our own oxygen first before helping others, we must first be at peace with ourselves before we can be at peace with the world around us. In this beautiful follow-up to his international bestseller The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down, Zen Buddhist monk Haemin Sunim turns his trademark wisdom to the art of self-care, arguing that only by accepting yourself--and the flaws that make you who you are--can you have compassionate and fulfilling relationships with your partner, your family, and your friends. With more than thirty-five full-color illustrations, Love for Imperfect Things will appeal to both your eyes and your heart, and help you learn to love yourself, your life, and everyone in it. When you care for yourself first, the world begins to find you worthy of care. "synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.   Source :

  • 私は私のままで生きることにした
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Kim Soohyun et al / 김수현 / 2019 / -

    日韓累計165万部突破! (韓国113万部、日本52万部) 2019年、2020年、2021年と 3年連続で年間ベストセラーにもランクインした 話題のイラストエッセイ(日販、トーハン調べ) 「いつも、人からどう見られるかを気にしていた」 「これから私は、私のままで生きることにした」 幅広い世代が共感! “私のままで生きることにした"人、増えてます! ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 人と比べて、何になる? 誰かと比べて生きるなんて、もうやめたらいいよ。 韓国の若者を中心に大反響! 世界にたった一人しかいない“自分"を大切にして生きていくために、 忘れないでほしい70のこと。 ✓自分からみじめになってはいけない ✓誰かの期待に応えようとしてはいけない ✓自分以外の何者かになろうとしない ✓自分が輝ける場所で生きていく ✓通りすがりの人に傷つけられてはいけない ✓すべての人に理解されようとしなくていい etc. Source :

  • Allt du kan se när du saktar ner
    Allt du kan se när du saktar ner

    HAEMIN / 혜민 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    Den zenbuddhistiska munken och läraren Haemin Sunim har fått stor uppmärksamhet för Allt du kan se när du saktar ner. Född i Sydkorea och utbildad i USA har han sålt mer än 3 miljoner ex av sina böcker och han har över en miljon följare på Twitter, @haeminsumin, och Facebook. Idag bor han i Seoul när han inte reser runt i världen och föreläser.   I den här boken ger han kloka livsråd för olika situationer och sinnestillstånd. Den fungerar som en motvikt till vår allt stressigare vardag och tar till exempel upp vikten av att vila; hur man kan hantera besvikelser; att bli vän med sina känslor; att fånga ögonblicket; konsten att bevara en god relation; förlåtelse; kärlek; andlighet; framtidsplaner.   Allt du kan se när du saktar ner innehåller kortare och längre texter och fina illustrationer i färg av den koreanska konstnären Youngcheol Lee. Den vänder sig till alla, oavsett ålder, kön och religion.   Source :

  • Die Liebe zu den nicht perfekten Dingen
    Die Liebe zu den nicht perfekten Dingen
    German(Deutsch) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    HAEMIN et al / 혜민 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    Immer wieder verstellt unsere Suche nach Perfektion unseren Blick auf die Schönheit des Jetzt. Es sind gerade die kleinen, unperfekten Momente, die unser Leben zu etwas Besonderem machen. Nicht die Suche nach Perfektion, sondern die Suche nach den stillen, glücklichen Augenblicken sollte uns antreiben. Wenn es uns gelingt, den gegenwärtigen Moment mit Nachsicht und Liebe zu betrachten, können wir die Fülle und den Reichtum unseres Lebens wirklich spüren. Sei es die Erinnerung an die Liebe unserer Mutter, das Glück, unsere Kinder aufwachsen zu sehen – unsere Leben sind voller Quellen der Wärme und Freude. Nichts muss perfekt sein. Es muss echt sein.   Soure :

  • Oprește-te puțin și privește în jur
    Oprește-te puțin și privește în jur
    Romanian(Română) Available

    HAEMIN / 혜민 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Essay > 21st century

    Chiar daca lumea din jur se misca in ritm alert, nu inseamna ca si noi trebuie sa facem la fel. In acest ghid de mindfulness mai actual ca oricand, Haemin Sunim ofera sfaturi despre orice, de la cum putem depasi obstacolele la cum sa ne odihnim si ce trebuie sa facem ca sa avem relatii satisfacatoare, intr-o carte frumoasa in care invataturile sale se combina armonios cu ilustratiile color. Mesajele simple ale autorului – scrise mai intai ca raspunsuri la intrebarile primite pe retelele de socializare – se adreseaza direct anxietatilor care au devenit parte a vietii moderne.      Haemin Sunim este calugar budist. Nascut in Coreea, s-a mutat in Statele Unite pentru a studia filmul, dar s-a simtit atras de viata religioasa. Desavarsindu-si educatia la Berkeley, Harvard si Princeton, este primul calugar coreean care a predat religia la un colegiu american. Invataturile sale transcend religiile si granitele, rezonand cu oameni de toate varstele. Cu empatie si compasiune, ne indeamna sa observam ca, atunci cand incetinim, lumea incetineste odata cu noi.    Source :