Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

26 results
  • 我的甜蜜都市
    Chinese(繁體) Available

    Jeong Yi Hyun et al / 정이현 / 2009 / -

    三十二歲的春天,我的人生需要一個感情的出口。他是可以把我帶往全世界最安全地方的男人,也是讓我脫離敗犬世界唯一的救贖,可是,那不該是我不得不愛他的一百零一個理由……恩琇是個平凡的三十二歲女性,在代理發行刊物的公司擔任編輯的職務。面對年過三十未婚的現實,恩琇常被周遭的人關心,和冷嘲熱諷的調侃。在這種壓力下,恩琇不得不從以下三位男士當中,挑選一位當她的終生伴侶:第一個是和她有過一夜情、年紀比她小七歲的尹泰晤。雖然他有著陽光般的笑容,但卻是個沒有穩定收入的電影工作者。第二個男人是公司主管介紹的年輕CEO金永洙。長相平凡,沒有任何特色,若真的要結婚也可以,可是他到底是個什麼樣的人?連恩琇也還搞不清楚。第三個男人是恩琇好友的堂哥南瑜俊。兩人個性很類似,相處時很自在。雖然感覺很適合結婚,卻又少了一點那種感覺。然而,就在恩琇好不容易下定決心的時候,自己的死黨卻面臨結婚失敗的問題。這讓恩琇不得不重新思考,站在勝犬、敗犬的轉捩點上所被迫做出的改變,真的是自己要的嗎?     Source:

  • 我的甜蜜都市
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Jeong Yi Hyun et al / 정이현 / 2010 / -

    《我的甜蜜都市》内容简介:中午12点,我接到前男友的婚礼请柬。走过首尔落寞的街道,心头涌动所有女人都在想的问题:我该怎么办?如果毫无头绪的人生有个导航仪,该多好!可惜……32岁了,没有什么财产,也没有什么成就,没有人爱我爱得死去活来,我也没有爱谁爱得海枯石烂。空中飘过的是忧郁的自由,还是自由的忧郁?我可以重新开始吗,无论什么?但是,摘下虚伪的面具,跌跌撞撞追逐之后,真的就能找到幸福吗? 无边的雨纷纷落向无边的马路,手中没有伞。 没有任何味道,这就是首尔的味道。   Source:

  • マイスウィートソウル
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Jeong Yi Hyun et al / 정이현 / 2007 / -


  • Narradoras coreanas contemporáneas
    Narradoras coreanas contemporáneas
    Spanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    OH JUNGHEE et al / 오정희 et al / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Diez relatos, es una selección hecha entre la pléyade de escritoras de reconocido nombre en las letras coreanas actuales, en los que se abordan diferentes aspectos de la condición femenina, a través de experiencias autobiográficas, tradiciones, costumbres, leyes no escritas y también, como no, de la fantasía de las autoras. Retratos psicológicos de mujeres que viven bajo la férula más o menos visible del hombre y la familia, en los que se muestran  los conflictos entre su propia intimidad y las normas sociales.   Source:

  • 浪漫之爱与社会
    Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Jeong Yi Hyun et al / 정이현 / 2014 / -

    French(Français) Available

    KIM Ae-ran et al / 김애란 et al / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    This is a selection of short stories by prominent writers in Korean contemporary literature from the 1970s and 1980s. It contains the works of six writers, including Park Wansuh, Cho Sunjak, Hwang Sok-yong, Yi Mun-yol, Oh Junghee, and Lee Dong-ha.

  • Милый мой город
    Милый мой город
    Russian(Русский) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Jeong Yi Hyun et al / 정이현 / 2017 / -

  • AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)
    AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)
    English(English) Available

    Kim Kyung-uk et al / 김경욱 et al / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • 作家
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Jeong Yi Hyun et al / 정이현 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • Readymade Bodhisattva
    Readymade Bodhisattva
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Choi In-hun et al / 최인훈 et al / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999

    Readymade Bodhisattva: The Kaya Anthology of South Korean Science Fiction presents the first book-length English-language translation of science and speculative fiction from South Korea, bringing together 13 classic and contemporary stories from the 1960s through the 2010s. From the reimagining of an Asimovian robot inside the walls of a Buddhist temple and a postapocalyptic showdown between South and North Korean refugees on a faraway planet to a fictional recollection of a disabled woman's struggle to join an international space mission, these stories showcase the thematic and stylistic versatility of South Korean science-fiction writers in its wide array. At once conversant with the global science-fiction tradition and thick with local historical specificities, their works resonate with other popular cultural products of South Korea―from K-pop and K-drama to videogames, which owe part of their appeal to their pulsating technocultural edge and their ability to play off familiar tropes in unexpected ways. Coming from a country renowned for its hi-tech industry and ultraspeed broadband yet mired in the unfinished Cold War, South Korean science fiction offers us fresh perspectives on global technoindustrial modernity and its human consequences. The book also features a critical introduction, an essay on SF fandom in South Korea, and contextualizing information and annotations for each story.   source :