Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

8 results
  • リナ
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Kang Young-sook et al / 강영숙 / 2011 / -

    母国の過酷な状況を逃れて国境を超えた22名の脱出者たち。そのひとりとしての少女リナ。彼女たちを待ち受けるものは何だったのか? 国境の向こう側には、夢見たものがあったのか? 殺人、人身売買、強姦、麻薬、売春――次々と襲いくる悲惨な出来事を乗り越えて、リナはいかに生きたのか。国家はもとよりふつうの意味での家族すら捨てたリナが選んだ新しい家族の形とは? 脱北した若い女性リナの、悪夢のような流転を読みながら、私は日本社会の労働者や路上生活者と接している気分でいた。 闇の労働市場で売られ続けるリナは、世界の奴隷ワーカーの輝ける象徴だ。 激しい怒りも悲しみも虚無もすべて飲み込んで成長するリナを、私はおののき崇める。   Source:リナ-姜-英淑/dp/4773811137

  • Rina
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kang Young-sook / 강영숙 / 2015 / -

    Rina is a defector from a country that might be North Korea, traversing an "empty and futile" landscape. Along the way, she is forced to work at a chemical plant, murders a few people, becomes a prostitute, runs a lucrative bar, and finds a solace in a motley family of wanderers all as disenfranchised as she. Brutal and unflinching, with elements of the mythic and grotesque interspersed with hard-edged realism, Rina is a pioneering work of Korean postmodernism.

  • ライティングクラブ
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kang Young-sook et al / 강영숙 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    韓国文学の新時代を牽引する姜英淑。 話題作『リナ』に続く長編、待望の邦訳成る! ソウルの下町、路地に面した小さな綴り方教室で、届かない手紙を、読み手のいない小説を、ありふれた「自分の話」を書く女性たち。 ゆらぎ、さまよい、傷つけあう母と娘のための、そして書くことが好きなすべての私たちのための物語。 女性にとって「書くこと」とは何か? 韓国現代社会を生きる女性を等身大の視線で描いて新境地をひらき、白信愛文学賞を受賞した著者の長編第2作。   source:

  • すばる

    Kang Young-sook / 강영숙 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • すばる

    Kang Young-sook / 강영숙 / 2012 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • At Night He Lifts Weights
    At Night He Lifts Weights
    English(English) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kang Young-sook et al / 강영숙 / 2023 / -

    An artist is plagued by desire for her mysterious double as disease spreads through an uncanny suburban landscape. An elderly woman suspects the old man who lifts weights in her neighborhood playground of being responsible for a spate of murders. source. NIGHT HE LIFTS WEIGHTS&qid=1691045543&sprefix=at night he lifts weights,aps,547&sr=8-1

  • RINA
    English(English) E-Book Available

    KANG YOUNG-SOOK / 강영숙 / 2024 / -

    Rina is a defector from a country that might be North Korea, traversing an “empty and futile” landscape. Along the way, she is forced to work at a chemical plant, murders a few people, becomes a prostitute, runs a lucrative bar, and finds a solace in a motley family of wanderers all as disenfranchised as she. Brutal and unflinching, with elements of the mythic and grotesque interspersed with hard-edged realism, Rina is a pioneering work of Korean postmodernism. source:

  • Рина
    Bulgarian(български) Available

    Kang Young-sook et al / 강영숙 / 2024 / -

    „Рина“ е от романите, които не просто впечатляват, но и променят. Сюжетът е свръхнаситен с приковаващи вниманието брутални сцени и вихрени обрати. С елементите на митичен разказ и гротеска, но и с адекватен за днешното време темпоритъм „Рина“ е динамична, многопластова пионерска творба на корейския постмодернизъм. source: