汉城兄弟Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Eun Heekyung et al / 은희경 / 2004 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
木槿花的诱惑Chinese(简体) Available
Youn Dae-Nyeong et al / 윤대녕 / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
美兰Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Youn Dae-Nyeong et al / 윤대녕 / 2003 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
少女的肖像Chinese(简体) Available
Youn Dae-Nyeong et al / 윤대녕 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
《少女的肖像》是一部来自韩国的凄婉的爱情故事。“我”的前女友吴美兰奔放而又痴情,新女友金美兰端庄而又理性,正如《红楼梦》中的贾宝玉在宝姐姐和林妹妹之间难以割舍一样,“我”虽然与金美兰喜结良缘,但是欢度蜜月时巧遇吴美兰,就背着新婚妻子与她约会,才知道她是一件多年前的凶杀案的主犯,而她此时贫病交加,即将离开人世。虽然两个美兰都拨动了“我”内心的琴弦,但“我”注定只能在在两个美兰之间选择一个…… Source: http://product.dangdang.com/1239542741.html
鸟的礼物Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Eun Heekyung et al / 은희경 / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Kyung-Sook Shin et al / 신경숙 et al / 1998 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical
分類 収録作品(日本語) 収録作品(韓国語) 作家(日本語) 作家(韓国語) ページ その他(詩集/部分/副題) 対談 沈黙に耳を澄まして 대담 침묵에 귀를 기울이다 申京淑 신경숙 p.92 小説 聖日 성일 申京淑 신경숙 p.102 「강물이 될 때까지」 小説 野原の中の高台の空き家 벌판 위의 빈집 申京淑 신경숙 p.119 「오래전 집을 떠날 때」 小説 あゆ釣り通信 은어낚시통신 尹大寧 윤대녕 p.125
Дом из прошлого, Рассказы современных корейских авторовRussian(Русский)
Park Wansuh et al / 박완서 et al / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
This book is a compilation of short stories by leading Korean novelists since the 1980s. Fifteen short stories are included in this anthology, Including the titular piece “Geu namja-ne jip” (그 남자네 집 His house) by Park Wansuh, “Abeojiui ttang” (아버지의 땅 Father’s Land) by Lim Chul-Woo, and “Saworui mi, chirworui sol” (사월의 미, 칠월의 솔 Mi of April, sol of July) by Kim Yeon-su.
Reading KoreaEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Ha Keun-Chan et al / 하근찬 et al / 2008 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Without question, literature is the best place to start knowing and understanding one another. For isn't there a real fascinating connection between writers and place - where people come from and where they go? A very large part of a nation's writing is the story of its roots in a place and when Koreans come to our country, they bring with them the story of their roots in Korea. Source: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9813879-reading-korea
Between heaven and earthEnglish(English) Available
Youn Dae-Nyeong et al / 윤대녕 / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century
Unspoken VoicesEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Choi Chung-Hui et al / 최정희 et al / 2002 / -
The stories in this collection are written by twelve Korean women writers whose experience, insight, and writing skill make them truly representative of Korean fiction at its best. "The Rooster" is a comical revelation of an old man who accepts the truth that Man and Nature revolve around the same immutable natural law. In "The Fragment," refugees who flee to Pusan during the Korean War suffer the unspeakable squalor and despair when jammed in a warehouse. "The Young Elm Tree" tells the story of a high school girl who falls in love with the son of her mother's new husband. What all these twelve writers share in common is a keen eye that penetrates into the lives of Korean women from the early part of the 20th century to the present. THE AUTHORS Authors included fall into two groups-those born during the Japanese occupation of Korea (1910-1945) and those born after 1945. All the eight authors in the first group experienced the Second World War in childhood and the Korean War as adults. They saw pain, hardship, and death, but they observed courage, resilience, humor, and love even in the most dire times. The four younger writers are active creators of works that have won top literary awards. Their fresh new look at life, their bold experimental style, and their refreshing voices are a reflection of their generation. THE TRANSLATOR Dr. Jin-Young Choi is Professor of English at Chung-Ang University in Seoul. She has translated two novels, numerous short stories and tales. Her Saturday columns in The Korea Herald were collected into one volume form One Woman's Way. All of her translated short stories were published in Korean Literature Today. https://www.amazon.com/Unspoken-Voices-Selected-Stories-Writers/dp/1931907064
Translated Books
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