صوت الرعدArabic(اللغة العربية) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Juyeong et al / 김주영 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
Морска комкаBulgarian(български) Available
Kim Juyeong et al / 김주영 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
Романьт "Морска котка" се отличава от останалите му творби. В този роман писателят описва една тъжна и чиста като бял сняг любов. Главният герой Сейнг е момче, което живееше с майка си в едно малко планинско село, където през зимата вали много сняг любов. Source: http://www.helikon.bg/books/76/-Морска-котка_120113.html#book_info
人的儿子Chinese(简体) Available
Yi Mun-yol et al / 이문열 / 1997 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
诗人Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Yi Mun-yol et al / 이문열 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century
Yi Mun-yol et al / 이문열 / 1995 / -
在這種世界,嚴錫大一定又會擔任班長──我敢這樣斷定。功課的名次、打架的名次都由他操縱,他的欲望可以隨時得到滿足。有時候,我還會夢見回到以前那個班級,與錫大一起分享特權的情況,夢醒時,我竟然十分惋惜……如果成功是世俗的,那麼我有預感,我的人生之路必定是失敗的……這看起來只是一場孩子之間的戰爭。韓秉泰轉學到鄉下,他本來懷著漢城小孩的優越感,以為自己一定可以成為班上同學的領袖,結果卻發現班上有個「老大」嚴錫大,不但班上同學會倒水給他喝、奉上食物和玩具,連導師都默許嚴錫大在班上建立的權威,因為這個建立在拳頭和威脅的王國比任何其他班都要遵守秩序,整潔而完美。但是韓秉泰不想屈服,在他幼小的心靈裡,這是一場對抗。他決定要抓住嚴錫大的小辮子,推翻他不合理的「統治」。但是他不知道自己在這場對抗裡,要付出什麼樣的代價……這是韓國最受歡迎的作家李文烈所寫的寓言故事... Source: http://book.douban.com/subject/1347446/
青春肖像Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Yi Mun-yol et al / 이문열 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
惊天雷声Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Juyeong et al / 김주영 / 2008 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
朝鲜族妇女的宽肥裙衫,使她得以瞒天过海怀胎十月;荒郊野外,她扯断脐带,遗弃孽种,耳畔响起惊天雷声。悲情女子辗转半岛,饮泣偷生,只因与三个男人孽缘难了。战乱岁月,惟见柔弱身影在书写坚忍与痴情……“假设一个人必须被老虎或者狼当中的一个叼走,在这种时候,少奶奶您心里会想什么呢?所有的人首先想到的肯定是自己跟熟悉老虎还是狼。道理很简单,因为既然知道凶多吉少,谁都会考虑怎样利用自己熟悉的东西,尽量减轻所遭受的灾祸。我介入这些事的原因也是这样。过去,我黄点介一直受到歧视,在人们的眼里就跟脚趾缝里的污垢没什么两样。那些不会说话的牲口,不也是谁对它好就跟谁么。” Source: http://product.dangdang.com/20300647.html
洪魚Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea
Kim Juyeong et al / 김주영 / 2008 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
小说以浪漫而带有梦幻色彩的笔法讲述了一个关乎伦理、成长与自我发现的故事。男人带着情妇离家出走,撇下一对母子在一个偏僻的小山村相依为命。被遗弃的母子俩深居简出,变得异常敏感乖张,被村里人视为异类。只有正值青春期的儿子知道,母亲思念的心是如何苦涩。从父亲出走的第五年开始,奇异之事接二连三地降临这个两口之家:每逢大雪,总有不速之客光顾家里,先是一个诡异的少女,在母子俩心头掀起惊涛骇浪之后,又飘然离去;随后又有一个模样酷似秃鹰的怪异男子找上门来纠缠不休;最后是一个少妇以借宿为名撇下一个婴儿不辞而别,而冰雪聪明的母亲心知肚明,这即是丈夫的骨血……一连串离奇的遭遇只预示着一件事情:那个始终只出现在少年幻想中的父亲要回来了。而当漂泊了六年的男人真正归来时,母亲却在一个下雪的清晨消失了,雪地上只留下一串伪装的脚印…… Source: http://product.dangdang.com/1443267631.html
Early Spring, Mid-SummerEnglish(English) Available
Kim Won il et al / 김원일 et al / 1983 / -
Early Spring, Midsummer, may be the best book out of the Si-sa-yongo-sa Modern Korean Short Stories 10 book series. It contains couple of meditations on change, particularly Early Spring, Mid-Summer by Yi Munyol, a couple of historical/metaphorical tales of the cost of war, including Kim Won-il’s The Spirit of Darkness, and a couple of stories that mix their historical stories with great and sometimes shocking sadness, particularly, Pak Si-jong’s Two Minutes to Seven http://www.ktlit.com/review-early-spring-mid-summer/
Modern Korean fictionEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Hyun Jin-geon et al / 현진건 et al / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
To represent the past century of Korean fiction, this definitive collection extends beyond familiar writers, challenges cultural norms, and crosses political borders. By inlcuding stories from neglected female, North Korean, and wolbuk writers (those who migrated to the North after 1945 and whose works were widely banned in South Korea) and by bringing politically engaged works together with experimental ones, this anthology articulates the ruptures and resolutions that have makred the peninsula. From sketches of desperate peasants in straitened circumstances to fast-moving, visceral tales of contemporary South Korea, the works in this collection bear witness to the dramatic transformations and events in twentieth-century Korean history, including Japanese colonial rule, civil war, and economic modernization in the South. The writers explore these developments through a variety of literary and political lenses, revealing wtih precision and poignancy their impact on Korean society and the lives of ordinary Koreans. This anthology includes an introduction, which synthesizes the key developments in modern Korean literature, and a comprehensive bibliography of Korean fiction in translation http://www.amazon.com/Modern-Korean-Fiction-Bruce-Fulton/dp/0231135130/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1437532411&sr=1-1&keywords=0231135130&pebp=1437532414313&perid=141FNT9TFYXDV5YFBXBV
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