商道Chinese(简体) Available
Choi In-ho et al / 최인호 / 2003 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
永恒的母亲Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Choi In-ho et al / 최인호 / 2008 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
一种浮华落尽的中年情怀,一段感人至深的母子情缘。曾以《商道》《王道》征服中国读者的韩国著名作家崔仁浩,人到中年,一吐块垒,在这本流水帐般的家庭纪实小说中,以调侃中现悲悯、质朴中见华美的深情,追思生活常态中最真实的母亲。读者可以从中体会思念、爱与责任、忏悔……那正是每个人都必经的人间孝道。 Source: http://product.dangdang.com/20127278.html
Ukradené jménoCzech(Český Jazyk) Funded by LTI Korea Available
YANG GUI-JA et al / 양귀자 et al / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
Reprezentativní výbor korejské povídkové tvorby 20. století. Antologie obsahuje 14 povídek od 13 autorů, z nichž každý je uveden medailonem s životopisnými daty a charakteristikou umělecké tvorby. Obsáhlá zasvěcená předmluva načrtává vývoj korejské moderní literatury na pozadí historických souvislostí. Témata povídek jsou různorodá: souboj tradiční morálky s moderním životem, sociální problémy, deziluze generace 60. let, láska a samota ženy, život lidí na okraji společnosti, morální hodnoty. Povídky mají, s nemalým přispěním fundovaných překladatelů, vysokou uměleckou úroveň. Po knize sáhne především náročnější čtenář; jeho odměnou bude zážitek ze sugestivních autorských výpovědí a zajímavé nahlédnutí do korejské mentality. Source: http://www.databazeknih.cz/knihy/tvare-a-osudy-moderni-korejske-povidky-90109
Modern Korean fictionEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Hyun Jin-geon et al / 현진건 et al / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)
To represent the past century of Korean fiction, this definitive collection extends beyond familiar writers, challenges cultural norms, and crosses political borders. By inlcuding stories from neglected female, North Korean, and wolbuk writers (those who migrated to the North after 1945 and whose works were widely banned in South Korea) and by bringing politically engaged works together with experimental ones, this anthology articulates the ruptures and resolutions that have makred the peninsula. From sketches of desperate peasants in straitened circumstances to fast-moving, visceral tales of contemporary South Korea, the works in this collection bear witness to the dramatic transformations and events in twentieth-century Korean history, including Japanese colonial rule, civil war, and economic modernization in the South. The writers explore these developments through a variety of literary and political lenses, revealing wtih precision and poignancy their impact on Korean society and the lives of ordinary Koreans. This anthology includes an introduction, which synthesizes the key developments in modern Korean literature, and a comprehensive bibliography of Korean fiction in translation http://www.amazon.com/Modern-Korean-Fiction-Bruce-Fulton/dp/0231135130/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1437532411&sr=1-1&keywords=0231135130&pebp=1437532414313&perid=141FNT9TFYXDV5YFBXBV
Ten Korean Short StoriesEnglish(English) Available
Ha Keun-chan et al / 하근찬 et al / 1981 / -
Ten Korean Short Stories samples two generations of Korean short stories, bringing to life the first faltering steps of an ancient land entering the modern age, evoking in truly memorable fashion the spirit that stir the hearts of her people. Here is the pain and anguish of people oppressed by the conqueror, the tragedy of civil war and partition, the struggle for meaning in post-war society, Korea yesterday, today, tomorrow. https://www.abebooks.com/9788971412107/Ten-Korean-Short-Stories-8971412100/plp
Deep blue nightEnglish(English) Available
Choi In-ho et al / 최인호 / 2002 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Tower of antsEnglish(English) Available
Choi In-ho et al / 최인호 / 2004 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Prize-winning author Choe In-ho paints a dizzying portrait of what living in a modern, self-centered society entails in his breakthrough short story Tower of Ants. The plot centers around a young man who is going nowhere in his 9-5 advertising job when, one day, his apartment is suddenly infested with ants. The story soon becomes a battle for sanity as the thousands upon thousands of insects slowly take over the man's life, his apartment and his mind.
Une nuit bleue et profondeFrench(Français) Available
Choi In-ho et al / 최인호 / 1992 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Le roman du désenchantement de deux Coréens aux Etats-Unis, qui ne trouvent finalement qu'une dénaturation profonde en lieu et place du rêve doré de l'émigration. Source: http://www.actes-sud.fr/catalogue/romans-nouvelles-et-recits/une-nuit-bleue-et-profonde
消えた王国 4Japanese(日本語) Available
Choi In-ho et al / 최인호 / 1995 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social
白村江の戦いに大敗を喫した中大兄皇子は、押し寄せる百済からの難民を前に、重大な決断を迫られる。兄への敵意を燃やす大海人皇子。悲劇の歌人・額田王を翻弄して、歴史の歯車は非情のきしみを音にする。日出ずる国の起源を、いま明かす。倭が「日本」になった謎を韓国の人気作家が、あえて小説に描いた。 http://www.amazon.co.jp/消えた王国〈第4巻〉新しい国を求めて-崔-仁浩/dp/4796203354/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1437983291&sr=1-1&keywords=4796203354
消えた王国 5.Japanese(日本語) Available
Choi In-ho et al / 최인호 / 1995 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social
「花びらは落ちて消えてしまいますが花は永遠に消えない」そういって、太安万呂は舎人親王のもとで新しい歴史書の編纂にとりかかった。日本書紀が封印した、天智の荒御魂。古代史大河ロマン、待望の完結編。 http://www.amazon.co.jp/消えた王国〈第5巻〉荒都の歌-崔-仁浩/dp/4796203516/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1437982913&sr=1-1&keywords=4796203516
Translated Books
We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).