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This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


2009 Korea-Poland Literary Event : Author Kim Huran Introductory Booklet

2009 Korea-Poland Literary Event : Author Kim Huran Introductory Booklet
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2009 Korea-Poland Literary Event : Author Kim Huran Introductory Booklet
2009 Literary Event Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties between Korea and Poland, Kim Huran, “Living Joy, ” “In the Night Sky, ” “A Country of Snow”
Event > Literary Event > International Literary Event (Overseas)
Item type
PDF/A Document
Access Type
도서관 열람
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

This is an introductory material on poet Kim Huran, produced for the 2009 Literary Event Celebrating the 20th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties between Korea and Poland. A variety of literary events including “Literature Night,” and it was well received by the audience, despite the fact that Korean literature was not very well known in Poland. The 28-page information booklet consists of three sections: “About the Author,” “World of Works,” and “Excerpts.” It includes Kim’s poems “Sarainneun gippeum (살아있는 기쁨, Living Joy),” “Bamhaneure (밤하늘에, In the Night Sky),” and “Nunui nara (눈의 나라 A Country of Snow).”

2009 한-폴란드 수교 20주년 기념 문학행사를 위해 제작한 시인 김후란의 작가소개자료이다. <문학의 밤>을 포함한 다양한 문학행사가 개최되었고, 한국 문학이 폴란드에 잘 알려져 있지 않음에도 불구하고 문학행사에 참여했던 청중들의 호응이 아주 높았다. 자료집은 총 28 페이지로 구성되어있으며, ‘작가소개’와 ‘작품세계관’, ‘작품발췌’로 구성되어있다. 작품 <살아있는 기쁨>, <밤하늘에>, <눈의 나라> 등이 수록되어있다.