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Gong Ji-young – Literatura Coreana

Gong Ji-young – Literatura Coreana
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Gong Ji-young – Literatura Coreana
Gong Ji-young, Our Happy Time
Event > Literary Event > International Literary Event (Overseas)
Item type
PDF/A Document
Writer shelves | LTI Korea Library
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Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

These are introductory materials for poet Moon Chung-hee and novelist Gong Ji-young, produced for a special literary conference held at the Korean Cultural Center Spain on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the "Night of Books" Festival in Spain, to which the two Korean female writers were invited. In the two-part conference held on April 22, novelist Gong Ji-young's work, Our Happy Time, was introduced and a discussion was held on the subject of “Women, Life, and Love.” The event was recorded and aired on the Spanish radio program titled “Planeta de los libros,” along with an interview with the author. On April 23, a discussion and reading session of Korean-Spanish female writers were held at Espacio B (Cultural Space) with five writers from both countries. The introductory material for novelist Gong Ji-young includes: 1. Author bio; 2. Introduction to her novel Our Happy Time; 3. an essay by the author (“Korean Literature Night in Spain”); and 4. An excerpt from the Spanish translation of her novel Our Happy Time.

스페인 ‘책의 밤’ 문학축제 10주년을 계기로 주스페인한국문화원에서 한국의 두 여성 작가 문정희 시인과 공지영 소설가를 초청해 진행한 특별 문학 간담회를 위해 제작된 작가소개자료이다. 4월 22일 크게 2부로 진행된 간담회에서는 공지영 작가의 대표작『우리들의 행복한 시간』을 소개하고 ‘여성, 생명 그리고 사랑’이라는 주제로 이야기를 나눴다. Planeta de los libros라는 라디오에서 사전에 진행된 작가 인터뷰와 함께 녹음 방송되었다. 4월 23일에는 양국 5명의 작가가 참여한 한국 - 스페인 여성 작가 간담회와 낭독회가 Espacio B (문화공간)에서 진행되었다. 공지영 작가의 소개자료는 1.작가 소개, 2.『우리들의 행복한 시간』작품 소개, 3. 작가의 글(“스페인 한국문학의 밤”), 4.『우리들의 행복한 시간』스페인어판의 일부 발췌문으로 구성되어 있다.