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2011 Literary Events in Australia with Korean Poets : Author Hwang Tong-gyu Introductory Booklet

2011 Literary Events in Australia with Korean Poets : Author Hwang Tong-gyu Introductory Booklet
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2011 Literary Events in Australia with Korean Poets : Author Hwang Tong-gyu Introductory Booklet
2011 Literary Events in Australia with Korean Poets, Hwang Tong-gyu, “Blossom, ” “Port of Call, ” “Magnolia Vine Berry Liqueur”
Event > Literary Event > International Literary Event (Overseas)
Item type
PDF/A Document
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Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

This is an introductory material on poet Hwang Tong-gyu, produced for the 2011 Literary Event in Australia with Korean Poets. On August 28, poet Hwang Tong-gyu participated in the small poetry reading and discussion event held at the Red Room Poetry’s Clubhouse. On August 30, he participated in a lecture on the “Trend of Korean Poetry” and held a discussion with the members of a local literary society at the Chinese restaurant Yonggung in Sydney. He also participated in the Melbourne Writers Festival on September 3 and read his works in front of an audience of about 90 people at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image and the Wheeler Centre in Melbourne. On September 4, Hwang recited his works, which was broadcast by 3RRR Radio. The 21-page information booklet consists of three sections: “About the Author,” “About the Works,” and “Excerpts.” It includes Hwang’s poems such as “Blossom,” “Port of Call,” and “Magnolia Vine Berry Liqueur.”

2011 한국 시인 호주 문학행사를 위해 제작한 시인 황동규의 작가소개자료이다. 황동규 시인은 8월 28일 시드니 레드룸 포이트리 컴퍼니 클럽하우스에서 열린 소규모 낭독 및 토론에 참여했다. 또한 8월 30일 시드니 중식당 용궁 내에서 ‘한국의 시작 경향’에 대한 강연 및 현지 문학회 회원들과의 토론을 진행했다. 멜번 작가축제에도 참가하여 9월 3일 멜번 Australian Centre for the Moving Image, 멜번 Wheeler Centre에서 축제 관객 약 90인 앞에서 각각 작품 낭독의 시간을 가졌다. 또한 9월 4일 3 RRR Radio 방송용 낭독회에서 작품을 낭독했다. 자료집은 총 21 페이지로 구성되어있으며, ‘작가소개’와 ‘작품소개’, ‘작품발췌’로 구성되어있다. 작품 <꽃(Blossoms)>, <기항지(Port of Call)>, <오미자술(Magnolia Vine Berry Liqueur)> 등이 수록되어있다.