E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

4 results
  • Cursed Bunny: Stories
    Cursed Bunny: Stories
    English(English) Ebook

    Bora Chung / 정보라 / 2022 / -

    From an author never before published in the United States, Cursed Bunny is unique and imaginative, blending horror, sci-fi, fairytales, and speculative fiction into stories that defy categorization. By turns thought-provoking and stomach-turning, here monsters take the shapes of furry woodland creatures and danger lurks in unexpected corners of everyday apartment buildings. But in this unforgettable collection, translated by the acclaimed Anton Hur, Chung’s absurd, haunting universe could be our own, illuminating the ills of contemporary society. “The Head” follows a woman haunted by her own bodily waste. “The Embodiment” takes us into a dystopian gynecology office where a pregnant woman is told that she must find a father for her baby or face horrific consequences. Another story follows a young monster, forced into underground fight rings without knowing the force of his own power. The titular fable centers on a cursed lamp in the approachable shape of a rabbit, fit for a child’s bedroom but for its sinister capabilities. No two stories are alike, and readers will be torn whether to race through them or savor Chung’s wit and frenetic energy on every page. Cursed Bunny is a book that screams to be read late into the night and passed on to the nearest set of hands the very next day. Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/9174164?cid=37224

  • Cursed Bunny
    Cursed Bunny
    English(English) AudioBook

    Bora Chung / 정보라 / 2022 / -

    SHORTLISTED FOR THE INTERNATIONAL BOOKER PRIZE AND WINNER OF A PEN/HEIM TRANSLATION GRANT "Cool, brilliantly demented K-horror—just the way I like it!" —Ed Park, author of Personal Days A stunning, wildly original debut from a rising star of Korean literature—surreal, chilling fables that take on the patriarchy, capitalism, and the reign of big tech with absurdist humor and a (sometimes literal) bite. From an author never before published in the United States, Cursed Bunny is unique and imaginative, blending horror, sci-fi, fairytales, and speculative fiction into stories that defy categorization. By turns thought-provoking and stomach-turning, here monsters take the shapes of furry woodland creatures and danger lurks in unexpected corners of everyday apartment buildings. But in this unforgettable collection, translated by the acclaimed Anton Hur, Chung's absurd, haunting universe could be our own, illuminating the ills of contemporary society. "The Head" follows a woman haunted by her own bodily waste. "The Embodiment" takes us into a dystopian gynecology office where a pregnant woman is told that she must find a father for her baby or face horrific consequences. Another story follows a young monster, forced into underground fight rings without knowing the force of his own power. The titular fable centers on a cursed lamp in the approachable shape of a rabbit, fit for a child's bedroom but for its sinister capabilities. No two stories are alike, and readers will be torn whether to race through them or savor Chung's wit and frenetic energy on every page. Cursed Bunny is a book that screams to be read late into the night and passed on to the nearest set of hands the very next day. source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/9078796

  • Cursed Bunny
    Cursed Bunny
    English(English) Ebook

    Bora Chung / 정보라 / 2021 / -

    Shortlisted for the International Booker Prize, Cursed Bunny is a genre-defying collection of short stories by Korean author Bora Chung. Blurring the lines between magical realism, horror, and science-fiction, Chung uses elements of the fantastic and surreal to address the very real horrors and cruelties of patriarchy and capitalism in modern society. Anton Hur's translation skilfully captures the way Chung's prose effortlessly glides from being terrifying to wryly humorous. source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/10265009?cid=37224

  •  Coniglio maledetto
    Coniglio maledetto
    Italian(Italiano) Ebook

    Bora Chung / 정보라 / 2024 / -

    Come bisogna reagire quando qualcuno ci confessa di «non aver mai letto un libro così?» E quanti libri meritano una definizione di rottura e originalità, arrivando a rappresentare qualcosa di unico in un panorama editoriale affollato? Su Coniglio maledetto di Bora Chung ci sono pochissimi dubbi: è un libro di questo tipo. Nell'arco di dieci racconti, riesce a creare mondi che spaziano dall'horror coreano alle fiabe russe, dalla fantascienza al romanticismo masochista, mescolando i generi per renderli quasi indistinguibili l'uno dall'altro, fino ad arrivare a chiudere quei mondi o a farli esplodere nelle maniere più inaspettate. Per chi ama la scrittura di Angela Carter, Ottessa Moshfegh e Sayaka Murata, questa raccolta di racconti, già tradotta in 22 paesi, si presenta con una reputazione quasi magica: le sue favole surreali e agghiaccianti ci portano in un mondo in cui conformismo e oppressione sociale generano maledizioni da infrangere con nuove forme di vendetta e violenza, ma a volte anche con una risata surreale. La scrittura di Bora Chung ricorda la dolcezza delle fiabe di infanzia prima che ne scoprissimo i risvolti più oscuri e ci imbattessimo per la prima volta nel sangue delle principesse; ci ipnotizza con le tradizioni di un mondo antico o scomparso per portarci fuori dal tempo e dentro a un cosmo oscuro che fa paura, ma è anche pieno di una "malata bellezza"; e ci lascia storditi, come i personaggi delle sue storie, dai legami nascosti del nostro corpo, ineluttabilmente legato a questa vita. Coniglio maledetto è un libro che urla per essere letto fino a tarda notte e passato alla persona più vicina il giorno dopo. "Cursed Bunny ci permette di entrare da soli nella trappola." The New York Times Book Review