
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

31 results
  • Reading Korean literature in the era of the Korean novelist
    English(English) Article

    The Korea Times / January 15, 2019

    Korea has a rich and fast-growing library of modern literature. The list of writers of novels, short stories, and other works is long. Korean writers have taken a significant place in world literature. Their translators are also making names for themselves. These Korean writers, some contemporary and some from times past but reborn through modern editions and translations, not only represent the best of Korean literature, they are being received and honored globally. Many of these Korean writers are equal to the great writers of other cultures and countries. 

  • Susan Choi gewinnt den National Book Award
    German(Deutsch) Article

    SPIEGEL ONLINE / November 22, 2019

    Der Roman "Trust Exercise", der am Mittwochabend mit dem National Book Award in der Kategorie "Fiction" ausgezeichnet wurde, spielt in den frühen Achtzigerjahren in einer High School mit künstlerischem Schwerpunkt, gelegen in einer US-Vorstadt. Im Mittelpunkt des Coming-of-Age-Romans steht die Liebesbeziehung zwischen den Schülern David und Sarah - und die Rolle ihres Theaterlehrers Mr. Kingsley.

  • National Book Awards: Susan Choi wins fiction prize for Trust Exercise
    English(English) Article

    The Guardian / November 21, 2019

    Susan Choi has won the fiction prize at the National Book Awards in New York on Wednesday night. The celebrated author won for her fifth novel, Trust Exercise, about teens attending an elite drama school in the south during the 80s which was praised for its bold experimentations with narrative and form.

  • Susan Choi Isn’t Giving Away the Secrets to Trust Exercise
    English(English) Article

    VANITY FAIR / November 19, 2019

    Susan Choi is not sure where her career is headed. “It could all be downhill from here!” she jokes over breakfast, but the novelist, whose best-selling Trust Exercise is up for a National Book Award, is not entirely kidding. Right now, she’s dealing with the care of an aging relative and the financial pressure to teach year-round at Yale. Her current book has been in progress since before she started writing Trust Exercise, and she’s still not sure whether it will ever be published. “I really do, a lot of days, wake up and think, I will never write again.”

  • Top 10 books about South Korea
    English(English) Article

    The Guardian / February 14, 2018

  • [Interview] One Korean-American author tells the story of comfort women
    English(English) Article

    The Hankyoreh / May 28, 2017

  • Entre el vuelo y la caída
    Spanish(Español) Article

    La nacion / -

    En su tercera novela el escritor coreano-americano Chang-rae Lee (1965) presenta uno de esos personajes elusivos, extranjeros de sí mismos y del mundo que los rodea, que ya comparecían en sus narraciones previas. El espía desconcertado en medio del diario ejercicio de simulación que protagonizaba su aclamado debut En lengua materna , al igual que aquel anciano emigrante japonés que escondía detrás de una fachada circunspecta un pasado de oprobio y restallante horror en la magnífica Una vida de gestos , ya prefiguraban a Jerry Battle, un casi sesentón que sobrevuela su vida encaramado en una avioneta, reacio a asomarse a los paisajes de dolor que la circundan.

  • "Les vulnérables" de Chang-Rae Lee chez Ed. de l'Olivier (Paris, France)
    French(Français) Article

    20 minutes / May 03, 2013

    June Han est encore une enfant lorsque la guerre de Corée décime sa famille. Sauvée par un G.I., Hector Brennan, elle est placée dans un orphelinat.   Trente ans plus tard, l'ancien soldat a choisi une vie sans contours, guidée par l'alcool et l'autodestruction. June est devenue Mrs Singer, une femme de 47 ans qui mène une carrière exemplaire à New York. Mais derrière cette réussite, June est surtout une mère inquiète. Depuis la mort de son mari, ses relations avec son fils, Nicholas, ne sont plus les mêmes. Le jour de sa remise de diplôme, le jeune homme choisit de partir en Europe pour un long voyage. Décidée à retrouver son fils, June demande à Hector de l'aider. Ensemble, ils vont remonter les méandres de la mémoire.

  • Chang-rae Lee, 40 ans, Corée du sud
    French(Français) Article

    L'EXPRESS / May 01, 2005

    Fils d'un psychiatre nord-coréen, Chang-rae Lee est né en 1965 en Corée du Sud où s'étaient réfugiés ses parents. Il a trois ans quand sa famille émigre aux Etats-Unis. Après de brillantes études à Yale, il devient analyste financier et, à la mort de sa mère, suit des ateliers d'écriture pour se consacrer à la littérature. Il vit à Ridgewood (New Jersey).

  • Writers Transcend Diaspora | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / September 01, 2014

    Writers Transcend Diaspora By Kim Jonghoi on Oct 30 2014 18:46:59 Vol.25 Autumn 2014While there is no shortage of expressions that reflect this new era of globalization, the world as one global village, one word has become imperative when discussing the current state of the Korean people. Diaspora, a term derived from the Greek meaning “scattering” or “dispersion,” is most notably used in reference to the Jews who were forced to live outside their homeland for most of Jewish history, while retaining their ethnic identity and religious practices.The nature and scope of the diaspora, however, is similar to what has happened to the Korean people since the late 19th century, many of whom left their homeland to survive the turbulent history of modern Korea: the forced occupation of the Korean peninsula by Imperial Japan and the subsequent Korean War that divided the nation into the South and the North. The Korean diaspora includes the ethnic Koreans who moved to China and the Soviet Union in search of a better life; to Japan, drafted into the military but unable to return; and later as exported labor to the United States.